janvier 25, 2010 0

Spirit level by Yann Lestrat on Dezeen

By in Blog, Press

‘Nevroz’ spirit level by Yann Lestrat (2010)

As cryptic as ‘Lock’ is functional, the ‘Nevroz’ spirit level is the work of a man who has rolled through the flat lands of historic nonsense. Yann Lestrat is a French artist whose work is articulated around reflections on notions of psychic, individual and collective balance. Nothing had predestined this piece – created in 2003 – to become part of a range of household objects. Nobody except Hubert Verstraeten, art director for Tamawa, whose appetite for the impossible feeds on the dialectic between the decorative and the functional object and the artwork. From the viewpoint of design, the ‘Nevroz’ spirit level is a mobile sculpture set in precarious balance that will not enable one to find the strict line you’re looking for…

Cette œuvre est issue d’une réflexion sur l’art et les maladies mentales, déployée autour d’un aspect de la symptomatologie propre à la névrose obsessionnelle. Les manifestations attachées à ce type de névrose entrent dans la catégorie des troubles obsessionnels compulsifs, vecteurs pour l’artiste d’une exploration des relations avérées ou fantasmatiques unissant l’art au psychisme.


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